Tuesday, July 19, 2005

An Open Letter To Me

Dear VP of Dior,

So recently I've noticed you moping around and not quite knowing what to do with yourself. Perhaps the summertime gaiety has rendered you hopelessly restless. Maybe you should join a kayaking club..oh wait what a stupid idea because I know you hate outdoorsy stuff. Maybe attend more live concerts? Apply for a new job? Volunteer? My point is that this is the time of your life where you will have the most energy and most verve. Please do not forget that you can contribute something to this world, no matter how small. All that energy spent on asshats and douchebags who don't care about your feelings could probably be put towards finding a cure for cancer or something. Remember how you used to write ridiculously long-winded stories in grade school and you were embarrassed to show anyone until you realized that you got A's on all your writing assignments and some of your stories were good.... maybe you should pick up a pencil and see what majestic things you might have hidden inside. Hell, maybe what you write will stink, like your ill-fated poems in the 10th grade after you fell in love with Greg who had that awful cello-playing girlfriend. But it's worth a try. Remember how you felt when you saw the sun set over the Ponte Vecchio, or Matt's face in the morning? Please capture that for me.

Dually yours,

VP of Dior

P.S. - And please, for the love of god, stop eating Ramen when you are drunk. Nothing good can come from it.


Blogger VP of Dior said...

Milkman - I appreciate your comments and you bring up good points. I need baby steps to achieve my self-expression. This blog was a way for me to get into the habit of writing and to relate my recent experiences.

All of my pursuits - possessions, boys, nightlife, work - have all contributed to my life and I regret nothing. I relish everything. As I grow older I am actually learning from my mistakes, and moving on with less self-doubt. My poetic waxings of the 10th grade seem like another lifetime. My fear comes from learning to like this new me, this woman who is much stronger and humourous, than I ever thought I could be. I will pursue whatever path my heart deems appropiate.

I just submitted something to McSweeney's online. I think this will be a good experience for me.

11:36 PM  
Blogger Chef Z said...

You should go out their and just grab life by the balls. There are always fabulous things to do in this area. Find them, Join a social club. Take a class.
Busy works.

12:25 AM  
Blogger A Unique Alias said...

The most important thing for you to remember from this self-exploratory process - - despite the douchebagging, asshattery and Hazel's ball grabbing there - - is this: no more drunken ramen.

You start there and there's no telling how far you'll go.

7:44 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Do I sense a blogger volunteer effort coming up?? I'm in...

11:32 AM  
Blogger I-66 said...

Canadians are so selfless...

12:03 PM  
Blogger VP of Dior said...

What a good idea! I've looked into volunteering at DC Central Kitchen or Hands On DC. I'll let you know what I find out.

12:35 PM  
Blogger The Senator said...

Good work on the blog. I think you could be a new link...

2:35 PM  
Blogger I-66 said...

and by the way, Ramen is f'ing great.

2:41 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

We have an army of about 12. We can't do anything but peacekeep...

CPMC - definitely add the link. I've been hooked since her first post.

2:45 PM  
Blogger VP of Dior said...

cookie - peacekeeping sounds like a wonderful idea. thanks for all your kind words

senator - i am a fan of CPMC and find your blog to be highly enjoyable. also, the milkman allegedly offered to share a bottle of chianti with my posts (not with me, just my posts. I suppose it's a distance issue).

2:58 PM  
Blogger Asian Mistress said...

"All that energy spent on asshats and douchebags who don't care about your feelings could probably be put towards finding a cure for cancer or something."

Haha - that will be my new motto. Thanks!

7:30 PM  
Blogger VP of Dior said...

Is there an upcoming CPMC shindig occurring? I honestly haven't been over near CP since a night out at Bourbon a few weeks ago....

1:01 PM  
Blogger VP of Dior said...

well i guess it wasn't "allegedly".
my posts heartily enjoy wine.

7:13 PM  

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