Monday, August 29, 2005

Delayed Shittification

After such a wonderful weekend (more on that later) I knew my good streak had to end at some point. Hence why I had a ri-goddamn-diculous dramatic time in Georgetown tonight.

So I meet some friends to go to Cilantro for 1/2 price mojitos and tapas. I park right on M street and meet R. R tells me that his car just broke down, but conveniently he was already in his parking spot. So he calls Geico/ AAA and they tell him a tow truck will be there in an hour. OK, we decide to drink until the tow truck comes. About an hour later the tow truck comes and the driver is a litttttllllleeeeee slow on the uptake. He takes forever to figure out how to get the car out of the spot, then proceeds to block the northbound lanes of M ST. Massive honking ensues. So I go into Intermix to look around for a bit and I come out to see a haggard man laying on the ground. Apparently there was a bum fight. Yes a bum fight in Georgetown. An ambulance and cop car soon arrive and now onlookers have gathered around the area where R's car is. Great.

Then the tow truck driver tells R that it's extra to tow to VA, even though it's closer to the Brookland location he was going to take the car. So now R's car is somewhere in ghetto ass NE.

On the way back to my car I drop my phone and the camera breaks off the side. Unbelievable. So the phone was still working, but as soon as someone called me the phone screen went blank. Delayed shittification. I had no idea who was calling me. Luckily it was someone I wanted to talk to, but how the hell am I supposed to screen my phone calls now?!?!!? Now I'm ghetto-fab with a band-aid connecting my camera to the phone. I LOVE D.C.

So the good part was this weekend. Saturday I ran around all day, first to Eastern Market, then back to Arlington, back to Cap Hill for a birthday dinner, then to Falls Church for a show at the State Theater. It's such a fun little venue. I met Malibu Ken there, and then my roommates showed up. I realized that we were all coupled up and it felt kinda weird. Like I normally hate couples who only go out with other couples. - as if single people are of no interest to them.

Dave ended up staying over Saturday because we planned on spending the day in D.C. tourist-style. We went to the Hirshorn, Natural History museum, IMAX at Smithsonian, and the National Archives. My favorite exhibit was the Gems and Minerals where some fab jewels of the world are shown. I've always loved going there to see the Hope Diamond in all it's glory:

The Hope Diamond

Elizabeth Taylor's Pearl and Diamond necklace by Cartier

Gorgeous sapphire and diamond necklace

"Now I ain't saying she's a gold digger, but she ain't messin' with no broke...."

After we got home I cooked a little something something from the Everyday Italian Cookbook. Dinner was rigatoni with asparagus, prosciutto, mozzarella, and basil with the side of zucchini baked in fontina, romano, and mozzarella.

Everything was delish. Malibu Ken loved all of it and I felt pretty proud of myself for not burning anything!


Blogger I-66 said...

I've dropped my phone one too many times and I'm in line for a new one (gotta love the discount I'll get for renewing the contract should I choose to).. but the phone I need (read: want) is a bit expensive. I must go another route...

9:27 AM  
Blogger VP of Dior said...

yeah the phone i want is too expensive. the good thing about my service is that i'm not under contract. a few years ago my dad got a government/business line discount so that's what i'm under. i can switch to any provider i want and probably get a free phone, but there's something about not being tied to a contract i like....

10:42 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh my god, I'm coming for dinner at your house.

Next happy hour, ask me to see my phone. I'm surprised it still functions. I dropped it in Dewey on the concrete and the flip is barely hanging on by a limb...

3:52 PM  
Blogger VP of Dior said...

italian food is definitely my favorite. the prep took forever but the flavors were sooo amazing. fresh basil and garlic and cheese.. i'm getting hungry again!

4:42 PM  

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