Thursday, August 25, 2005

This week, on the D.C. .....

Covering all of your gossip, health and fitness, music, and cultural development needs:

1. Farewell Cap Hill Watering Hole - Capitol Lounge was burned to a bi-partisan crisp on Wednesday. Apparently it was started by an "improperly disposed of cigarette." 'Tis a shame. The bartender was hot and the music jukebox was amazing. Last time I was there I chose "Don't Look Back in Anger" by Oasis and spontaneously started a bar sing-a-long. Who knew that the song would be such an appropriate choice.

Capitol Lounge Gutted by Overnight Fire (DCist)

2. The weather is gorg. I've been running along the GW parkway along with the masses. I don't really enjoy running but it kicks my ass into shape quickly. Monday I ran from Old Town to the Airport for no good reason besides the fact I made a kick-ass playlist on my iPod.

3. RPM, Bludshot, and Jebus @ State Theater Sat. Aug 25 - This should be a pretty good show of all local bands. RPM has a great Roots/Digable Planets/Chili Peppers/ vibe. I've seen them twice and they are highly enjoyable. Jebus have gotten pretty big on the local circuit as well. Shoutout to Bludshot who hail from the mighty Hoodbridge.

4. Playing tour guide to Malibu Ken on Sunday and showing him around the museums. I need to be strategic about the locations because even though I've done the marathon course of major museums in a day, he can't really walk for long distances (no ligament in his knee and all). I'm thinking of starting in the Archive-Navy Memorial area to hit up the Archives and NGA for the Irving Penn exhibit. But it might be easier to stick to the Smithsonian area. Seeing the gemstones collection always makes me happy. Anyone know of good places to eat around the museums that aren't hot dog stands??


Blogger RHB said...

one stop up from Navy Memorial is China Town: Potbelly, chinese food, not that close to the memorials, but China Town is neat

1:20 PM  
Blogger A Unique Alias said...

Potbelly sooo good.

2:54 PM  
Blogger Emily said...

The cafe in the American Indian museum is delicious! Lots of interesting dishes to choose from.

4:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey I just clicked from DCB and found this dumb blog. The dumb blog would be yours. Anyhow you must be really ugly since you dont show your picture. When you do have your picture up I am going print it out at home and use it to wipe my ass since you are full of shit with your comments already. Love
DCB player haters.

10:13 PM  
Blogger VP of Dior said...

awwww shit. bring it on playa hata. if you had two brain cells to rub together you could go through my old posts and see my pics.

10:27 PM  
Blogger Kathryn Is So Over said...

Yeah, man, VP of Dior is teh cuteness. Wise up.

9:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey i too just clicked to this site from DCB also and so far it pretty much not that up to par. I know what u gonna say im liable for my own opinion which is great!!
And i seen your pic and your not bad looking either but other then that YOUR WEB SITE SUCKS!!! your fellow Monkey from the DCB.

10:49 AM  
Blogger VP of Dior said...

anon - "you're not bad looking either"

awww thanks. you're not bad look -- oh wait. you didn't post w/ a blogger account so i can't visit your blog or view your pics or read your comments. let's put this on a level playing field - next time include your blog address or home page. if not, then thanks for visiting mine. case closed.

11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW, what a comeback pretty lame.
Monkey from DCB.

12:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look foward to me wiping my ass when i take a shit since your pictures are up.
DCB Player Haters

7:32 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Back to the non-hating: TenPenh at 10th and Pennsylvania. A little pricy, but delish!

10:54 AM  

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