Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Honey, You Betta Work!

Haven't been able to post in awhile. First, Blogger.com has been a little shitwipe all day long. Work has been hella busy and I'm leaving tomorrow to go on a business trip. VP is none to happy about this because a) I'm missing my homecoming weekend - and for once I'm itching to get down to Williamsburg b) I have to go to Hartford, Patheticut c) I'm missing Blogger Happy Hour at Dragonfly, which I happen to enjoy. One can always tell that VP is unhappy when she starts referring to herself in third person.

This weekend I went to a Wig and Moustache party. The concept is pretty hilarious. Everyone comes wearing a wig or a fake moustache. The hosts, who were Georgetown Med students, posted pictures of notable persons with bad moustaches/hair on the walls. The Playaz would have been proud.

Actually, I was surprised at how many real, badly grown moustaches I saw. And no I did not sport a moustache - I had a fly blue wig. The funny thing was that I tried on a blonde wig and my friend went apeshit because she thought the color and cut looked good on me. WTF? I seriously looked like Lil Kim with that wig on. Not a look I'm going for at the moment.

I also got a chance to hang out with my high school/college buddy R and get SAUCED at Cobalt. Not only is R 6'3'', attractive, and likeable, but he attracts sugar daddies to him like it's his job. After 3 sour apple martinis, an older gentlemen bought us a round of drinks, and I was a goner. The one funny thing that happened was when I walked by a guy and my boobs accidently brushed up against his arm (hey what can I say my boobs tend to do that) and he actually recoiled. In horror. But I do so love mooching off of R's free-drink receiving.

Have a good week everyone.


Blogger Asian Mistress said...

I bet you were hott in your fly blue wig.

I'll miss you tonight!!

9:42 AM  
Blogger Phil said...

(thinking)....Ditka....polish sausage....Ditka...Bears....

7:55 PM  
Blogger A Unique Alias said...

Missed you last night.

2:32 PM  
Blogger Washington Cube said...

Who knows what look Lil Kim is sporting in prison. Yanno?

3:34 PM  
Blogger VP of Dior said...

Phil - I am kicking myself for missing your appearance at the happy hour.

AUA- We will have to meet up again, before your ego swells after being labeled a Blogger Hottie :)

10:33 AM  
Blogger A Unique Alias said...

I am told that we almost *did* meet up again at the concert tonight :-D

10:47 PM  
Blogger VP of Dior said...

i just wore a sparkly blue wig. pretty funny.

4:26 PM  

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