Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Tips for Happy Hour

**First, I told MK about my blog last week. I thought he would be upset or confused but he thought the wholed idea was funny. I didn't tell him the web address and promised him that I won't share too many intimate details on my blog. I think he wants to read it someday, but not just yet....**

So tonight is the Blogger Happy Hour at Lucky Bar organized by Kathryn, high priestess of social gatherings, and I-66, former child model. There may or may not be a camera crew there from a local news channel.

I'd like to take this opportunity to provide some helpful hints for first timers:

* These events start fairly early but are known to run late. Please pace yourself with the Yuenglings. The tap will be there all night and so will you.

*Many bloggers are not afraid of taking pics of themselves and of you and posting on their blog. If you do not want to be photographed steer clear of I-66.

*In addition to not being photographed, if you do not want to be inadvertently seen on camera or if you have a blog stalker to avoid, may I suggest a burqa to cover your face. Surely no one will think twice of seeing such garb in the fine establishment of Lucky Bar.

*It is perfectly acceptable to go up to a blogger and freely admit you don't know their name and have not read their blog. The whole point of these things is to meet face-to-face people you wouldn't normally meet. If you do know their blog feel free to compliment their writing :)

*Lucky Bar has a pool table and an upstairs area. The stairs leading up to the second floor and bathrooms are quite steep. Coming down those stairs could be difficult for some later in the evening. Don't try to look "cute" coming down the stairs. Just hold on to the railing and keep your balance.

*If you drop something on the floor at Lucky Bar you will need to rush it to a decontamination facility ASAP.

* Lucky Bar nachos are top notch!

Hope to see you all there tonight :)


Blogger Kathryn Is So Over said...

LOVES IT and I want to hear more about the MK convo tonight. Hell, bring him, I ain't seen that hottie since you birfday. :)

1:27 PM  
Blogger I-66 said...

Stay away?!?


1:48 PM  
Blogger A Unique Alias said...

Wait. They have a pool table??


1:51 PM  
Blogger VP of Dior said...

kathryn - see ya tonight!

I-66 - i meant no harm :)

AUA - come on, you know you wanna.. make one last farewell appearance. prepare a speech even!

1:58 PM  
Blogger I-66 said...


3:32 PM  
Blogger Law-Rah said...

I LOVE their nachos!

3:38 PM  
Blogger Marci said...

Hey, I think I sported the burqa (um, self-made and impromptu of course) at the last happy hour. It didn't work. But I had fun!

Holy crap, word ver: bqqa!

7:00 PM  
Blogger Asian Mistress said...


9:40 PM  

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