Monday, March 27, 2006

Mullets:2, VP of Dior:0

This past weekend I had the honor of seeing The Cult at a sold-out show at the 930 club. Let me tell you, those old Brits rock. My ears are still ringing. I never thought I would hear "She Sells Sactuary" live, but I have and that makes me happy ( some of you may remember the song from Pretty In Pink or some other 80's coming of age film).

My mission that night, as I chose to accept it, was two-fold. First, I HAD to get Ben's Chili Bowl. My chili-cheese dog and cheese fries did not disappoint. Although I think the cook blatantly flirting with me in front of MK did not bode well. The second part of the mission was to count the number of mullets at the concert. Surprisingly I only counted two but hey it was dark. I did however count two badly permed-big bangs hairdos in the space of about 5 min in the bathroom. One woman was actually ratting and teasing as I looked on in horror. The image still haunts me.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to go to BCB. Yum.

That reminds me of the horrors of the Motley Crue concert. AH!

3:20 PM  
Blogger Johnny said...

the ultimate horror movie...

Attack of the Mullets

6:25 PM  
Blogger Phil said...

Thank God this concert was not in New Jersey.

12:31 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Perhaps she was trying out for a part in the sequel to Hysterical Blindness?

3:20 PM  

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