Thursday, March 16, 2006

My New Crush

This afternoon I was fortunate enough to attend an in-studio session at this blogger's place of employment. The session was with my new fave crush, Ben Harper. My friend and I were up close and personal with Mr. Harper, who I swear had me swooning the minute he walked into the room. He is so talented and his voice is so sweet. And his bone structure!! Grrrrr baby. He's got a new double CD coming out next Tuesday and I can't wait to listen to it. Thanks Chase for the awesome opportunity!

Last night I missed the blogger HH :( I've been so busy at work and doing things I've put off until the last minute. Like getting my car serviced, grocery shopping (maybe this is good I have no food because I've lost 5 pounds this month), applying for a government job, laundry, house cleaning, burning a mix CD, and shopping for a b-day gift for Malibu Ken. His b-day is tomorrow so it gives me another reason to celebrate on March 17. For his gift I decided upon a gift certificate for a free round of golf during Prime hours at Pinehurst Golf Course in Annandale. I think he'll really like this - I'm earning mad cool girlfriend points!


Blogger VP of Dior said...

I want to have his love child!

7:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't go wrong with golf - sounds like a great gift! And that's 'mad cool' about your session. Wow!

9:38 AM  
Blogger La'Tina said...

nice! Hey are still doing dance collective? Get at me, but i hear you on the busy front. I have no food and am too lazy to order peapod!!! no food=lose weight=discriminating use of energy!!!

10:59 AM  

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