Friday, April 28, 2006

Friday Boobies

There's two reasons to rejoice today: today is my last day at work, after putting in 2 hard years, and it's Friday Boobies* time! Today's lady, while not busy earning her title of "Backstabbing - Husband Stealing- Maneating Divorcee of the Year", keeps herself fit by not eating much and taking care of her two daughters. The not eating I can't get behind, but I think her boobies are real:

This picture of Denise Richards was most likely taken after her first daughter was born (or maybe the second...). This would explain the heaving cleavage and healthier look. Does anyone know if she had a boob job? Either way her ta tas (that one is for the Playaz) look great. I think she is pretty sexy overall. I'm giving her an 7.5.

*A note on Friday Boobies - someone asked me why I started this weekly assessment of boobies. Some of you might think this is a ploy to drive readers to my site, which really isn't the case. I mean I'm sure at this point I'm still not at the top of number 1 sites searching for "boobies." There are A LOT of sites featuring boobies because hey, sex sells. I started this series out of a need to highlight good natural boobs and make fun of bad implants. And I really do like boobies. Who doesnt?????


Blogger I-66 said...

I like them too!

1:12 PM  
Blogger JordanBaker said...

Despite my unblemished record of herterosexuality, I really look forward to Friday Boobies, and I echo your appreciation of boobies as a category.

2:30 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I would argue you get more women here for these posts than men.

2:40 PM  
Blogger La'Tina said...

where the hell are the boobs???

i'm looking at a box with an x in it! Bring on the boobs!!!

4:14 PM  
Blogger La'Tina said...

nevermind, saw the boobs, momentary problem. I think DRs boobs looked great coming out of the water in Wild Things.

4:16 PM  
Blogger Marci said...

Hot damn, I never would have recognized her. You go Denise and your man-stealin' boobies!

Heart the Firday boobies, btw. Bobbies are great.

4:20 PM  
Blogger O-FACE said...

Isn't that agent She Devil. Yeah she's got a nice rack but I've seen some closeups of her and she kinda is falling apart. I kind understand why Charlie is looking at kiddie porn. Well porn, but not kiddie porn.

5:56 PM  
Blogger The BLS said...

I don't know, man. I think Charlie's the one who is losing it. Visit The Smoking Gun and read about his voice-mail messages to her.... they're harsh and flat-out scary.

Great picture. She's very hot. I can see why Charlie is bitter over losing her.

10:05 AM  
Blogger said...

I'd definitely say she has a boob job. Too skinny for big, round perkiness...

She's got that LA-hot look. It's good, it's fine ... just don't be fooled... it ain't real...

5:40 PM  

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