Tuesday, April 18, 2006

TomKat's Arrival

It appears that Katie Holmes gave "birth" to a girl last night. TomKat named the girl Suri. Congrats TomKat. No maybe Katie can stop pretending to be pregnant while shopping for uncomfortable shoes. Introducing "Suri Xenu Holmes Cruise" (I added the middle name):


Blogger Stef said...

Is that an X-Files still image? It looks like it! Can't wait til we get to inspect those first publicity photos of the baby. I actually do like the name, though.

9:32 PM  
Blogger Washington Cube said...

I am loving the picture you chose. Perfect. Totally. You know what struck me as odd? Her shopping for shoes at Neiman's days before giving birth. I mean...didn't she have swollen pregnant Mama feet?

9:59 AM  
Blogger Marci said...

Oh, I jsut heart your graphical representation of the new "child"!

11:29 AM  
Blogger Johnny said...


Now where's that placenta burger?

12:24 PM  
Blogger Siryn said...

too funny!

In other news, there are more Tori Spelling bad boob job pics at dlisted.blogspot.com. Wow, what a horrible job. The cleavage hole is even bigger than last time and is blindingly obvious.

8:00 PM  
Blogger VP of Dior said...

stef: nah google find.

cube: that's what made the whole thing so bizarre. like who goes and buys high heels when they're water could break at any moment?

marci: yes, alien "child"

johnny: i'm not going there. if cruise actually said he was going to eat the placenta he needs to shoot his publicist

siryn: sigh, i mean her face looks a lot better than the donna martin days, but the boobs are just heinous.

8:16 PM  

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