Fievel Must Die
Our building has a mouse problem. Or rather the building has mice - more than one has been spotted. I came into work this morning and was welcomed by lots of mouse droppings on my desk. Shit on my desk folks. I guess shit on my desk is an entirely fitting way to start a Monday....
DON'T TOUCH IT! Mouse poop has a lot of diseases that are airborne. Don't touch anything that touched it. Clean with massive disinfectants. Seriously. My parents had mice and I learned more about those little f*ckers than I care to know, but they are dirty, disease infested animals who can get snapped in a trap and drag their bloody body across your mom's dining room rug, going back to the hole they crawled out of, leaving the trap propped up at the entrance to said hole. Crafty little bastards.
Be careful.
I must admit, this isn't the best thing to read about while eating lunch at one's office desk. Ick!
and to make things worse NO one in the office seems to care. if i catch the bubonic plague i'm suing for millions.
Get the sonic mouse blasters and set up a perimeter around your desk--your colleagues may start caring when their desks are the one being shat upon.
A got "shit-on" by a colleague the other day. Does that count?
I saw that mouse at Lauriol Plaza. He was swilling sangria, and his friends dared him to go back to work and crap on "his" desk before crashing for the night. Never dare a mouse. Like Velvet said, they are crafty little bastards.
Cube making me laugh over here....
Oh my gosh, that's awful!!!! What are they going to do about it? Gross!!!
Glue traps my friend. But then you have to deal with the body.
Fievel got mentioned in DC Blogs today. Wowza. A mouse of renowned.
Ew! That sucks!
cube - you've got me in stitches over here.
UPDATE - a LIVE mouse was found in a co-workers trash can this morning. while she was oohhing about how cute it was i was bitching to our COO about how disgusting it is. for some reason no one else cares that we could be exposed to nasty nasty bacteria!
we have one in my office too. yuck. my co-worker named him GusGus. cute maybe, but i don't do rats. like Velvet said - don't touch the poop or the pooper.