El Ernesto
I was looking forward to a relaxing va-cay in VA Beach with my friends, sipping margaritas and lounging in my girl's hot tub. But your a little bitch and decided to get stronger and threaten to dump your load all over the area.
Now listen up. I've had a very rough, stressful week with my boyfriend dumping me, work anxiety, messed up cell phone, sleeplessness, and overall sucktitude. I am really looking forward to getting away from it all. I haven't taken one vacation this summer (MK and I were planning something for September but that's out the window now) so Enersto you best stay away from the East Coast. Go swirl around in the Atlantic and dissipate. Got it?? Good!
Aw shit! I was just thinkin' in the shower about how it would suck if this somebody planned this weekend as the last weekend of the summer to hit the beach.
Damn it, Ernesto!
Well, do how I'll be doin'...sit inside and get nice and drunk.
Chin chin and all that.
Oh yea! And I was listening to my Sirius (plug plug) and I heard the pussycat dolls. Don't remember what song, but I remember I liked it. Thought of your blog =)
Tell me about it, I'm on my 6th straight night of 13 hour night shifts for this little rainstorm. Ugh. At least you guys can all sit around inside and still have some good quality time together!
Ernesto has been openly mocked by the Playaz, turning him away from our HQ in Charleston. Stand up to him and he will leave you alone.