With All Due Respect..

I know I'm a few days late on this, but did anyone else watch The Sopranos?
With all due respect, to the show creators, actors, and crew, it kinda sucked!
It was slow moving and a little too esoteric. All of the imagery with the lake and the loongggg glances between Tony and Carmela and Janice got on my nerves.
As the show enters its last few episodes, do you think they can keep viewers?????
I spent all of last season thinking "Oooh, any minute the s*** is going to hit the fan! Any minute now. Yessiree. OK, WTF, when is the s*** going to hit the fan?" Seriously, they better get to the action soon or I'm going to be ticked.
No offense to the makers, etc, but I agree. Maybe it's not such a bad thing that this is the last season....and I love! that show.
Agree with Brunch bird too. all last season I waited and waited. SUCKED!
Writing weeks later, still waiting for the action. So Tony didn't kill Paulie. AJ is highly missing. Who even cares about Junior anymore. Bring back Carmela's ponytailed Italian. One friend noted that they had already killed off a lot of the interesting characters.